
Lots of writing ideas?

Trouble getting started? Learn strategies and tactics to start, organize, and finish writing projects.

Jump Start your writing project – workshop

A hands-on workshop for anyone who wants to write yet has trouble getting started. Workshop participants experiment with multi-dimensional idea generating and document structuring (aka the Post-It method) to ignite creativity and save time. In 45-minutes, participants create a basic road map for an article, short story, or book.

Writing Workshop for fiction and nonfiction: 5 to 12 participants.

Writing with an audience – workshop

Whether writing a story or a how-to guide, reading your work aloud helps you refine your writing. In this workshop, writers read with a sympathetic audience of a coach and workshop participants.
Reading aloud to yourself highlights text to improve. Reading aloud to other people who like to write means you’ll get suggestions for ways to revise and rewrite and understand how others hear your work.

Writing Workshop for fiction and nonfiction: 5 to 8 participants.

Writing training and presentations for your needs

Talking about writing should be tailored to your organization. Tailored sessions combine short practical presentations with hands-on critique of workplace writing.

Proposal writing

Short course on proposal structure and writing for agency reviewers.

Teams gain a shared vocabulary and approach to proposal design and writing. This shared approach should reduce the number of review and revision cycles for any given proposal and save time/reduce frustration in the process.

For optimal effectiveness, group training is best aligned with grant cycles, eg, in January for March submissions or in June/July for September submissions. Lead researchers and supporting authors are encouraged to learn proposal logic and writing strategies as a team so that they become more effective authors, editors, and reviewers.

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